Thursday, December 6, 2012

Holiday Season= Allergy Season

Who loves allllleeeerrrggggiiieeesss???

My diagnosis: 
Pharyngitis AND Allergic Rhinitis (not to be confused with being allergic to a rhinoceros).  Allergic Rhinitis is inflammation of the nasal passages (something like that!) It just sounds disgusting.

My prescriptions (Yes, that is plural):
Flonase- to be taken during allergy season (October- February, or, ALMOST HALF A YEAR) everyday for breathing, which is probably pretty important.
Zyrtec- to be taken during allergy season (October-February, or, ALMOST HALF A YEAR) everyday in order to be with the 3-dimensional people of the world.
Sudafed- a decongestant to help me get through the next few days without punching someone in the face.
Nasalcrom- I have no idea what this is for, other than it's just extra money for me to spend. The doctor said it's some sort of nasal lubricant....."first of all, I'm trying to dry up the snot that keeps trickling out of my left nostril. Second,,,,, I don't know."
Afrin (for 3 days only)- Apparently, this should help ease the breathing process. The bottle says 3 days only and it's underlined.  Does that mean after the 3rd day my breathing will resume to labored breathing? Or, will my nose fall off? 
Prednisone- a steroid that should beef me up... just joking...I hope I don't beef up.  This should help with the swelling of my tonsils.  3 days only.  Again, what happens after that? Do those fall off?
Motrin- 800mg, every 8 hours for pain (yes, I'm in a ton of pain without it).  My liver will LOVE that.
Then there's always:
Liquids- to stay hydrated so that the meds that are 'drying' stuff up won't make me feel like a cotton mouth.
Cough drops- to help with the annoying cough that is currently annoying everyone around me!
Salt water gargles- what the hell does this do anyway???

I'm unsure how to take all these different meds.  What time? How many times? How long? Mix what with what? Don't take this one unless..., take this one when...., you should feel....., take this one with food..., this one will cause..., if you look a little green, don't worry...., etc., etc.! UGH!!! I'm broken!

Anyone know of any bubble home vacancies?  This just seems easier.

So, a total of 7 meds.  None taste good and the sprays eventually 'flo' down the back of my throat and test my gag reflexes. They work. 

I think, by now, every garment that I own with sleeves may have slight residue from the nose wiping.  lol  Just kidding,,, I'm using Kleenex, which by the way, I should really consider buying stock in. 

Allergy season... really??? Cedar, pet dander, dust, pollen, kids, cooking, cleaning...seems like the only thing I'm NOT allergic to is shopping.  However, shopping doesn't happen when there's no cash due to all the meds I had to purchase (NO, I DO NOT CONSIDER THAT SHOPPING, OR THERAPEUTIC!!)

until next time,
~desperately wanting to be normal 

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