Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Easing Up On The Meds!

Finally beginning to feel a little better from this nasty 'whatever it was I had' gunk! Hallelujah, Amen, Praise the Lord!!! Now the only thing I'm fighting is the left over shitty cough that is annoying the hell out of me and everyone around me.  Oh, and I am currently peeing Mucinex and Motrin, just in case you were wondering...

Sadly, I've lost no weight while being sick. Figures. This season, food wise, stinks! There's tamales, ham, turkey, sweets up the ass that people bring to work, praline candies, popcorn, and about a thousand other yummy treats that somehow make their way into my mouth.  (I hope to God Carla isn't reading this...).  I'm not gonna lie,,,,I just had the BEST chewy praline in the entire world! I won't dare look at the calories...I'm just gonna enjoy this and not look back. 

Well, I still have done NO shopping for Christmas.  None. Zero.  Haven't even given it a thought. Except, I DID have a dream about almost shopping... I was at work and had just received a very healthy bonus check. SCORE!!! I was going straight to the stores right after work to blow every last cent on gifts for everyone and myself (what... don't judge... I want a new purse!).  But as luck would have it, I get a call from home saying I left the oven on, with food in it (that's really strange because we have no food), and it caught fire! The kitchen and living room were destroyed. The scent was that of gross scallops and cabbage (my goodness,, of all things... YUCK!) The kitchen and living room were the only two rooms destroyed.  Weird.  Thank goodness the bedrooms and everything else were in tact! So, guess where my bonus was now going...repairs.
They installed a new floor (yay!!!) and paneling on the walls (NO YAY.) Paneling??? Really?? What the hell kind of dream was I in? The counter tops were a hideous doodoo brown color with avocado green stripes! No joke.  I was hoping for a more updated look???  Maybe NOT brown and green counter tops??? Thanks.  I was paying them so that I could live back in the 70's. Awesome.
Anyway, my alarm went off and I never really got to see the finished product (thank God).  I'm sure I would've hated it. I don't know what this dream was trying to reveal to me, but I sure hope it's not a new home with paneling on the walls and grotesque counter tops. lol!!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful season so far. Mine's been a little 'off' to say the least, but I'm sure once I pee out all the meds from my system I will be back on track and hopefully enjoying a margarita with my wonderful, wonderful family!!! Can't wait! Much love...

~Ms. Mucinex

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