Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I'm Thankful For...

This is my final 'thankful' post and I couldn't end without thanking the teachers and those in education that hold our future in their hands!  I come from a family of teachers and have two of my best friends who are teachers.  What a career!  These men and women are some of the most passionate people I know. 

"Thank you to Robert Recio (uncle), Hilda Recio (aunt), Alicia Gomez (aunt), Patsy Gomez (aunt), Vilma Gomez (step mom), Carolyn Harrell (friend), Sharon Coffey (friend) and all my other friends who are in education one way or another! I have the utmost deep respect for you troopers! :)

A special 'shout-out' to my Grammie who's career was a babysitter!  Talk about a job!  She took them in at 40 days old, put them on a schedule, fed them breakfast (each one as they came in, in the morning, by the way), provided them with lunch and snacks.  There was playtime in the morning and afternoon complete with swings, toys galore, and 'spoil time'!  My grammie was a true gramma to every child she cared for.  She genuinely loved each child.  So much that they each had their own baby bed!  Yes!!!  There was a crib in each room in her house!  That was love!  Each child that had the opportunity to be cared for by 'Grandma Gomez' was, in my opinion, very lucky!  She took care of 7 newborns at a time!  Can you imagine???  Holy crap!  I couldn't even do one at a time!  She did 7.  It was out of control!  And yet, she was in complete control!!!  I love my grandma so much!  She is, to this day, my lifeline!  "Love you, Grandma Gomez"!

Well, that was my week of 'Thanks'!  Tomorrow is Turkey Day!  Finally.  Sweet potatoes, turkey, rolls, desserts and WINE.  ummm hmm! Happy Thanksgiving and may each of you have filled bellies and wonderful memories to keep with you forever!  May God bless you all! xoxo

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