Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Selfish me

My previous entry talked all about me and my pity party and I selfishly did not go into detail about my 'precious moments'.  So here they are:

Saturday was my daddy's birthday.  "Happy Birthday Daddy!!"  This man has loved me, put up with me, shown me love, talked with me, guided me through some rough patches, and continues to generously give to me wholeheartedly.  I love my dad entirely too much and will never apologize for that! He is amazing in my eyes and I will always put my daddy on a pedestal.  I pray that God grant him many more healthy, happy years.  I have no clue what I would do without him- truly don't wanna know.

Father's Day was Sunday.  What can I say? I know some men who are OUTSTANDING fathers! Including mine! I see how there are so many sperm donors out there who just don't give a shit about their responsibilities and leave their little ones behind to suffer in a way. I mean, really walk away.  Never calling to see how their child is, what's new in his/her life, never sending a penny of support, never considering how their actions are impacting their child/children's future.  It just makes me sick!!!!  I'm fortunate enough to have the opposite.  To that, I say, "thank you".  Still, doesn't make up for lost time, but at the very least my children know they are loved! I could go on and on about this, but I won't! It's not worth giving a moment to unfit fathers out there.  You know who you are! On a better note: to all you Fathers who love your babies more than anything and are there to show your support, love and affection I say this, "God bless you!!!! I have the utmost respect for you!" To all you single parents who are mommy AND daddy, "Way to go! You're children are lucky to have you!"

Tammy.  Cousin Tammy. Lover of shiny objects! Creator of beautiful jewelry (check out her Crimson Presence Jewelry line!), and the one family member who will gladly speak her mind when she feels the need.  Cousins, you know where I'm going with this....
Years ago, Aunt Patsy, Aunt Mary, my cousins Danielle, Angela, good ol little Tammy and myself took a little trip to a San Antonio theme park.  Like most families taking trips you have some that are just not going to agree on everything, i.e. breakfast.  Hmmm.... let's see... we all agreed on one place...except little Tammy.  Heaven only knows what she wanted.  Majority rules.  IHop it is! We are all happy, singing along in the car, smiling at each other, hugging, being happy and joyful.  Tammy was probably planning our deaths from the backseat! lol  We get to the restaurant, skipping, still singing, holding hands and Tammy is walking behind us, arms crossed, eyes squinting, wheels turning in her head.  We walk in and little Tammy shouts out, "THIS PLACE IS SUCKY!!!" Quiet followed, eyes wandered, then we all broke out in laughter! Needless to say, this 'sucky' word has followed her, her entire life! lol  It's just her! I LOVE her for making us laugh! To this day, she'll just throw out some random stuff that has us rolling! Such a great girl, creative, talented, loving (despite the scary FB pics she posts), and by far the family's foul mouthed superstar! "I love you so much, Tammy! You have a way about you that is a pleasure to be around.  You make me laugh, you never cease to amaze me; I'm honored to be your cousin! Many blessings to you now and always. Happy Birthday!!!"
Seriously, check out her jewelry! Gorgeous!

Happy birthday to my step mom, Vilma! She also celebrated another year along with Tammy.  Mom is all that a step mom should be; giving, loving, accepting, and generous! She is all that to me! I cannot tell you how great she has been to me through the years.  She has 'been there' in times that I've needed a hand.  I'm a lucky girl to have her in my life.  Together, she and my daddy have given me a brother and a sister! I couldn't ask for more! "Happy birthday Mom! I love you and thank you for joining our fun, yet dysfunctional, family! (You know you love it), May the good Lord above keep you safe and bless you continuously.  Thank you for all you do and for loving us."

So, see? The 'failed' weekend wasn't a complete fail.  I just needed to focus on the good times and blessings in front of me!
Swimming with Raeya was fun, watching Gracie enjoy the Bee Gees on my laptop was interesting, talking with family and friends put perspective on things, birthdays and father's day were good and
lunch was a success....


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