Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Baby Daddy

Is it really necessary that half of Texas hear your problems?  That you let a screaming child wake the entire neighborhood?  That you hold your screaming matches with yo 'baby daddy', on speaker phone?  At 10:00pm?????  For crying out loud!  This ain't the projects yo!  You (the pissed off girl), baby daddy (whose name is Tyrese- I know this because pissed off mama yelled it plenty of times in the conversation), and yo screaming babies need to shut da hell up!  I don't care if you 'ain't got no liv-in room furn-it-ture, yo jewry ain't worth pawn-in, yo mama be raisin' these mutha effin chilrin', etc. etc.!!! I also don't care if baby daddy tole you, you don't need no J.O.B.!  Get YO shit straight and git a J.O.B.!  Holy crap!  I had to call the answering service to tell them to please come and quiet this rude, obnoxious baby mama with an attitude.  She was so loud, I'm sure the entire complex could hear her conversation so I took it upon myself to disguise my voice and complain for others!  (wink, wink)!  lol I'm just hoping the answering service doesn't have caller ID!  But for the most part, my English accent and Country accent worked out nicely, I must say. (Thank you 12th grade Theatre Arts).

So hears the rundown:  Tali's above me and the projects below me!  I thought the Talibans were moving out, but I heard footsteps and someone flushing the toilet (yes, I did!) last night!  So, I'm not sure if someone is moving in or still living there. Ahhh, the joys of apartment living!  Where's my sista when you need'ha??? I'm so done with trying to tip toe around so I don't disrupt my neighbors, and trying to hold my singing down so I don't draw crowds around my place (that should be a plus), but not anymore!  I've never wanted to do my PX90 so bad while singing Martina McBride's 'Independence Day'!!!  I'm also going to finish NAILING my walls so I can hang my pictures and curtains!!!!  At 10pm!!!  "Austin, sweetheart, please, by all means, turn up them video games and Jacob, honey, I know how much you love playing electric guitar- please, jam out!  Have fun my two, darling, wonderful, talented, young men!" 

My choice of recovery this morning for my sleepless night?  Hot fries and Pepsi! I figured it wouldn't be right to pull out my vodka at my desk, so I settled for more calories and caffine. Win, win!  Looks like I'll have plenty more 'moving stories' to add to my collection of posts!  So be ready!

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