Friday, October 7, 2011

I-net and Spacebook

I-net and Spacebook,,, sounds crazy, right?  Well, it is!  Last night Keila, Gracie's friend, was over and I overheard them trying to sound as if they knew what they were talking about.  Gracie was telling Keila something about pictures and being able to view them on 'spacebook'.  Now, I'm no expert at all this technology crap, but I do know she meant Facebook.  She confused it with MySpace.  Go figure.  This totally reminds of of a time in high school when I was taking a computer class.  Give me art- I'm great.  Give me Reading, great.  History, great.  Lunch, great.  Math,,, not so much.  Computer class, even worse.

Rewind:  9th grade, computer class.  I'm learning about computers and all the different parts a computer has.  Nothing like the human body.  We have fingers, toes, ears, etc., etc. Easy words to remember.  A computer has parts with stupid names!  Cookies, hard drive, soft ware, mouse, etc., etc.  After a week of trying to remember and learn these things, I was thoroughly confused and not excited at all about the future.  After the first week of torture in that wicked class we were due to take our first exam.  Oh no.  What the *%#*!?!  Already?  An exam?  So soon?  Well, I studied my *#@& off and got all the answers right,,,except for one!  I got my test handed back to me with Mrs. Allen's 'correction' written in red, highlighted, enlarged, framed, and outlined!  She kindly wrote, "please look up this word" with an arrow that was pointed to my wrong answer. To my horror, I realized that instead of writing MODEM, I somehow confused it with the word SCROTUM!  Yes!  I couldn't believe what I had done!  OMG!  No!  Please, Lord, let me wake up from this nightmare!  A female freshman in high school with scrotum on her mind?  Was that really me?  No.  I didn't even know what a scrotum was at that time!  Believe it or not, I was a very sheltered, innocent, sweet, charming little girl.  I didn't know!  Up until then, I only knew my own 'set up' and that of Ken barbie, which we all know there's nothing there!  Scrotum sounds like modem.  I was close.  She didn't even give me credit for trying!  lol  She did come to me after class and said, "nice try".  "surrrrre", I thought.  What she really meant to say was, "you filthy, dirty little hooker!"  I'm sure of it. 
Anyway, I was mortified and never wanted to know another thing about computers.  This is probably why my blog is now under construction.  I thought, once again, I knew what I was doing and decided to try and change it up.  Instead, I jacked it all up and it looks stupid!  I've left a message for my dear, creative, knowledgable friend, Carolyn to please call and help me fix this crap! 

So, I've obviously lost track and need to continue on my original story.  It's not long.  Here's the jist of it.  Keila and Gracie have no idea what they're talking about! Period. This was the conversation last night:  Gracie:  "so, I told him just put the pictures on spacebook so we can see them".  Keila:  "that's a great idea! We can look on the I-net tonight and check it out."  HUH?  What thu....?  I just drank the last of my shot of tequila in hopes that I DID NOT HEAR THAT!  The modern day Lucy and Ethel need to stick to garage sales, rotary phones and aqua net hairspray.

Why, Lord, why?  Why couldn't I be smarter than them?  lol  Anyway, soon enough I will have the I-net again, I will be able to fix my blog and let all my friends/family know on spacebook!.  I'll be back on track!  In the mean time, please excuse the mess of a blog that I've created!  To be continued...!

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