Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Misc. Updates

My last post consisted of women's maintenance (if you know what I mean) and I got a lot of comments and laughter from what seemed like a ton of you.  Good stuff.  (insert giggle) Since then, I've been really busy just 'doing stuff'.  Here are a few things:

  • Saw the movie The Vow with Rachel McAdams (so pretty) and Channing Tatum (yum).  I saw the movie with my very own Channing Tatum and that probably was a huge mistake.  He has sooo much to live up to now!  I guess it was OK that we saw it. I would've seen it eventually and I still would've judged him anyway.  Why prolong the inevitable?
  • My sister and I had a 'girl's night' out at Cowboys Dance Hall.  Fun!  I danced a few times.  One guy didn't know how to dance (probably because he was like ten years old) and another guy smelled old.  I mean, how hard is it to use updated cologne?  Anyway, my sis and I had a good time.  So good, we did it again for the Mark Chesnut concert.  I love all of his music!  Classic.  Only this time, I wasn't really planning on dancing especially because I wore sky high heels and my toes were numb before we got to Cowboys.  But... once the music started I just really wanted to dance.  Great!  This guy asked me.  Here's the thing; this guy came up behind both my sis and I and since Krista DOESN'T WANT TO DANCE, guess who does?  Yay!  I'm in.  I never even looked at the guy, I was just desperate and said, 'hell ya' and took off towards the dance floor.  Surprise,,, he was so intoxicated he could hardly stand.  He stunk like he had not bathed and his breathe was anything but pleasant.  It smelled like alcohol and dirty laundry! The nice girl I am didn't want to be rude and leave him there so I continued to TRY to follow the drunk's steps.  Nope.  Just wasn't working.  I decided to do my own thing just in case others were watching.  At least other potential dancers would see that I knew what the hell I was doing.  We had only gone out mid song, but that was way too long to smell this dude and watch him falling over his own feet.  I danced my way through a crowd until I lost him on the floor! lol  He probably never even realized I was gone!  Could that have been 'ratty guy' from HEB?  Holy hell! 
  • Valentine's Day came and went.  My 'Channing' sent me chocolate covered strawberries with a card that said, "I love you berry much".  Corny but I totally loved it! Some of you may have seen the pic on FB.  I made him his favorite for dinner; fish sticks and mac and cheese.  Yes, I potentially will marry a 12 year old, but whatever!  I was ok with the easy assignment handed to me!  Plus, my sister and mom came over with a dozen foil heart balloons to decorate.  There were streamers, candles and red and pink paper plates on the table.  It was so low key and kid friendly- totally adorable! 
  • Tony and I went to see This Means War.  Another movie that came out.  I loved it!  Anything with rude, crude Chelsea Handler makes me laugh!  She doesn't hold back and I love that! 
  • Friday, I plan to go watch Pat Green in concert at, you guessed it, Cowboys!  I'm packing my Lysol and disinfectant wipes! No joke! I think Krista will be with me, or at least I hope she'll go!
  • There has been a few other things in between, but the best part of my busy days came yesterday when mama bought a new car!!!  No more Bu!  I'm thrilled to be paying 700.00 a month!  just joking.  I got a great deal and I'm loving my new baby!  It's a 2012 Mazda 6, white with tan interior!  Just what I've been wanting!  The Lord has blessed me more than I deserve and I'm just one grateful girl!  "Thank you, Lord, for your blessings and all that I have in my life.  I love you, for you have brought me from darkness straight into the light!"
Well, that's all for now. Some upcoming events:
Pat Green concert
Going to CC for my Grandma's 90th birthday- yes, she still knows us!
other family member's birthdays and Spring Break!  Woo hoo!  Good times, good times!

P.S. Carolyn, do you remember the old man that danced with you at your bachelorette party?  The sweet old man who we thought would be dead soon?  Well, he's still kickin' it at Cowboys!  lol  Just thought you'd like to know!  I didn't dance with him,,, he was too busy with other girls. haha

~the girl who dances with bridge rats

1 comment:

  1. Bahaha, I was totally thinking of that guy while reading this. Add Carolyn and Brenna come to town over Spring Break to your calendar.
