Friday, March 9, 2012

Another Great Weekend!

Well, I've been away for a few weeks, but as promised, I'm back with some toilet reading material.  Friday, March 2 was the beginning of our out of town travel.  When I say 'our' I mean Jacob, Austin and myself.  Grandma Gomez's birthday.  That only means fun ahead with some pretty fun peeps. My dad's family.  But, good news is I got to see some of my mom's side of the family as well.  Just as crazy, I might add.
Anyway, the boys and I pack up, gas up and prepare for 2 hour road trip.  There's always a part of my that worries about either one of these boys 'cutting the cheese' while sleeping on any road trip.  But this particular road trip was more of a 'I pray to God these two don't let any air seep from their backsides! I still want my new car smell, not last week's sushi smell'!  I prayed for the worst and hoped for the best.
Half way to Corpus, as I'm planning my next day's meeting with my long time friend, Annette over the phone, I begin to feel my eyes water.  It's not the AC, it's on low and barely blowing.  It's not the outside air because the vents are closed.  There's only one other reason.  One of the sleeping beauties in my car has done it!!!  One of them let it loose!  Holy shiznit!  I was fighting to keep my eyebrows in tact!!  These two have no shame.  I look over with what's left of my corneas and see these two happy as can be, dreaming with the angels!  Darn kids.  How will I ever keep a good smelling car as long as these two are riding with me.  They gave a whole new meaning to 'riding dirty'!  lol 
We finally make it to Corpus and head straight for Boat N Net.  For those of you who still don't know what BNN is,,, let me give you a quick over view.  It's a hole in the wall, little orange, yellow and blue joint with a drive through that is always packed.  You are more than welcome to dine outside on the hard blue, round tables if you want to risk a seagull shitting on your meal.  I choose to dine in the comfort of my Grandma's house under the one floor lamp that has no shade on it! haha  At BNN you have the luxury of ordering through a PVC pipe after ringing a doorbell that echoes through the pipe!  Your meal is picked up through a normal sliding window AND they now take VISA and MasterCard!  SCORE! Anyway, the food is fried, and most delicious.  We get this every single time we get to Corpus without fail!  Yummmm. It's calorie heaven and supports a good night's sleep.
The next morning, Grandma is ready to hit the town in her green knitted sweater and polyester, elastic waistband pants.  Totally the look I'll be sporting soon! Anyway, we hit up Family Dollar first.  She feels the need to stock up on toilet paper, paper plates, a rug, and a few other essentials that she doesn't need.  I figure, it's the dollar store, I'll cover the cost for her.  How bad could it be?  75.00 dollars later, I'm telling Granny she's on her own at HEB! lol  Our next stop is HEB for a few items.  She hits up the cheese isle, milk isle, fruit isle, and paper goods isle.  I hit up the wine isle.
We make it out of HEB unharmed and unbroke.  Our next stop?  Whataburger.  She wants sausage biscuits, and free coffee because she's entitled as a senior citizen.  I get her what she wants and head home.  I have my next stop scheduled at Wings N More to finally meet up with my long time friend Annette, who by the way, hates cheese and sour cream! No worries, they don't have that at Wings N More.  Perfect.  Austin goes with me to meet up with Annette and her 'que cute' daughter, Drea.  Jacob stays at Grandma's house with her.  Heaven only knows what Grandma has Jacob cutting down outside (she always loves it when Jacob cuts/trims bushes and trees.  Weird).  Meanwhile, back at the wing place, Annette, Drea, Austin and I are having an awesome lunch!  Annette was really the only one laughing.  The rest of us were eating and minding our manners.  (umm hmm).  We had fried pickles, wings (of course) and some other items that I'm pretty sure are now adding to my 'ass'ets.  We made our plans to meet up later that night and before we knew it, lunch time had come to an end. (sad).  At least there was still 'later'. 
Austin and I stop off at my aunt's house to visit for like 20 minutes because my sister, Tony and Raeya were headed into town to join us.  After my nice little visit with my Tia Bae, AJ and I head back to Grandma's house.  The happy family of 3 had just arrived and were all hungry!  Guess where we went??  Boat N Net!  Yum..  More fried food.  But not for me or Austin.  We had already had fried wings in hot sauce that were still tingling on my lips.
We had a trip to make 45 minutes south of Corpus.  A 'reaveal' get together for my cousin, Matt and his pregnant wife was taking place at around 4ish that afternoon.  This is my mom's side of the family, by the way.  Me, Tony, Krista, Jacob, Austin and Raeya pile into the truck like hillbillies and head south. We get there and more food.  BBQ, rice, beans, pasta salad, carne quisada, OMGdelish and we all had some real fun playing ball, chit-chatting, and spending time with the happy, smart, ruler of the pen, Sierra!  She's my cousin David's little girl and is just amazing!  I couldn't get enough of her.  Scrumptious!  Raeya took to her and like a big sis, made sure Sierra had fun playing outside and didn't hurt herself.  Fail.  Sierra fell off the little slide- Raeya was playing ball with the boys! lol At least she tried!
That visit was over pretty quickly, but I love that we had the chance to see family!  Always a blast! 
We head back to Corpus.  We make a quick stop at my Grandpa's house (my mom's dad).  We had stolen some food and cake for him from the so-called 'reveal' party.  I was excited to see Grandpa, but damn, I was excited that I was gonna get to hang out with the ladies!
Angela, Bae, myself, Krista, Annette and Velma planned to meet at LaPlaya at 9pm for some ritas.  My sister and I get there, Annette is waiting by the door and my aunt and cousin Angela are eating and drinking without us and Velma is no where in sight!  Ummm hmmm.... knew it! Being that I had eating 100 times my weight that day I could only sip on a rita, which was soooo good and sooo needed!  Annette hadn't had dinner so she proceeds to order a meal.  Remember, Annette only likes nothing.  So, when she gets her flautas she's secretly trying to scrape off the sour cream but gives up and sends her plate back.  The waiter, who we could barely understand with his accent brings back her plate with NO SOUR CREAM.  Perfect!  All is good, everyone is happy, we're enjoying our ritas, Angela and Bae are enjoying their meal, we're laughing it up, making fun of the waiter when everything stops!  There's cheese in Annette's flautas!  NOOOO!  Flautas usually don't have cheese, but for some reason it's like the cooks knew she didn't like cheese and loaded them up!  Had I been hungry, I would've eaten the hell out of them!
"uh, scuse me...(Annette says sweetly), I didn't want cheese or sour cream.  They put cheese in the flautas." Back it goes!  We are all laughing hysterically, making fun of poor Annette.  But luckily she knows that if we didn't make fun of her that would only mean we didn't like her.  (wink, wink).
Velma still had not surfaced. She was supposed to show up at 9 with us, however, she was running 'late'.  Like 'restaurant bar' closing late.  Sweet Annette didn't have the heart to tell her the bar was closing and maybe she should save a trip and just meet her at the bar they were going to after dinner.  But no... Annette lets her show up, teases her with two sips of her own rita and downs the rest of her drink in front of her, along with her uncheesy, unsourcreamy flautas! lol Good times, good times! 
We sadly part ways, but not before these 5 ladies make fun of my 'peg leg' feet!  I wear a 5 1/2 shoe and they thought it was hilarious to make fun of that.  Well, in other countries small feet mean wealth!I should move there!  Because God only knows small feet here in the USA only means your friends can make fun of you anytime!  Anyway, we finally say our goodbyes and somewhat plan for our next future visit.  It'll probably happen in Corpus because Annette's phobia won't allow her to drive to San Antonio! lol  I told my aunt to tie her up, put her in the trunk with cheese and sour cream and bring her to SA one of these days!  (much love for you, Annette!)
The next day, Sunday, was 'Sundayfundayattheranchforgrandma'sbirthday' day.  Grandma had already made 'our' plans to leave by 9am.  The party at the ranch was scheduled for 1pm.  It takes an hour and a half to get there, so why leave at 9am?  Not sure.  But leaving at 9am means getting everyone up with the chickens at 5am to be ON THE ROAD BY 9! My sister and I had a ton of food the day before and a couple ritas that pretty much still had not wore off completely.  Leave by 9?  How about leave by 10- ish? Not with Grandma as chief commander.  She had a great advantage this Sunday morning.  Raeya.  5 year old Raeya.  It's roughly about 6:50 am and I hear some clanging of dishes, coughing, clearing of the throat and a couple of stupid little chirping birds.  Not good.  I'm now awake and cannot go back to sleep.  I stay in bed, eyes closed trying to force myself to just sleep.  Nothing.  Next I hear Grandma saying, "Good morning baby".  This only means one thing; she had awakened her partner in crime- 5 year old Raeya.  I know Grandma was now excited because she would use this child to wake everyone else up by 7am! I hear Raeya say, "right now Grandma?", followed by a long "shhhhhh" from Grandma. "yes, go on".  The footsteps down the hall were loud and ended at the door to where my sister, grumpsalot, was snoring.  I put the pillow over my head because I knew what was coming.....
The door opens and a little whisper says, "mom?"
"CLOSE THE DAMN DOOR!!!!!!"  were the words that came screeching out of the church room.  I call it the 'church room' because there are all kinds of religious candles, crosses, scriptures and one Elvis poster that is framed and hung in this room.  Anyway, Raeya quickly shuts the door to the church room probably wishing she hadn't listened to Grandma! lol
Too late to rest up. by this time we were all wiping the sleeps from our eyes and trying to prepare ourselves for the hour and a half adventure to the ranch.  The trip seemed long, but once we got there it was great. The family arrived in intervals, kids ran around playing ball, catch, and even attempted to fly a few kites! The food (once again) was all underway as was the drinking!  You know, what we usually do at the ranch besides taking pictures in a big tractor tire!
After enjoying some really awesome, delicious food it was pinata time!  Only the pinata was defective.  We would not be able to hang the pinata so plan B came into play.  We had all the kids, and some childish adults, gather around on the newly added pavement.  Plan B was to throw the candy at the kids!  Hard! lol  just kidding.  But seriously, we did.  We threw the candy up and all over the place.  Kids, and adults, scrambled to get as many pixie sticks as they could along with a ton of other candy.  Even the ranch dog was able to steal a lollipop and make his way to his spot in the sun to enjoy his strawberry splendor.  Cute. 
The day was so much fun, as always.  But  now it was time to head back to San Antonio. 
"Happy Birthday, Grandma Gomez!  You are an incredible, amazing woman.  You have filled my life with joy and you have always taken care of me and the entire family.  I'm so thankful to the Lord that he choose me to be your granddaughter.  I'm honored.  I'm so lucky to have you in my life.  You mean the world to me and I love you with all my heart.  Next year, God willing, you're turning 90.  I can't wait to celebrate you again! Happy birthday, Grammy, and may God bless you with many more healthy, happy years."

P.S. Pics coming soon! Stay in touch...
~a blessed girl

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